FG 2024 SkatingVerse Challenge Dataset
1. Folder Tree Diagram
- 1_0OTL5zXX.mp4
- 1_0Y9DAAXW_sub.mp4
- 1_0Y9DAAXW.mp4
- ...
- 1_0GAXwXBG.mp4
- 1_0JhUvLLL_sub.mp4
- 1_0JhUvLLL.mp4
- ...
2.Json Format:
Vedio_name |
61_K31lXbGj | 27 |
3_y34CCT8G | 5 |
34_tzDbNWvX | 27 |
14_TiIX73u8 | 4 |
3. Division Rules
train_vedios: 19993 videos for training your algorithm.
test_vedios: 8586 videos for the final submission.
4. Label Information
We provide semantic annotations hierarchically in action labels. Specifically, we have two levels of categorical labels, namely set and element. In the set level, there are 11 action classes, including 6 jumps Toe loop (T), Loop (Lo), Axel (A), Lutz (Lz), Salchow (S), Flip (F), 4 spins Camel spin (CSp), Sit spin (SSp), Upright spin (USp), No Basic (NB) and 1 sequence (Null). While in the fine-grained element level, the actions are further divided into 28 categories according to the number of turns for jump actions.
The mapping between actions and categories is as follows:3Toeloop:0;3Loop:1; 2Axel:2; Camel Spin:3; Sit Spin:4; Upright Spin 5; 2Salchow:6; 2Toeloop:7; 3Salchow:8; 3Axel:9; 3Flip:10; 3Lutz:11; No Basic:12; 2Lutz:13; 4Salchow:14; 4Flip:15; 4Toeloop:16; 4Lutz:17; 4Loop:18; 2Flip:19; 2Loop:20; 1Axel:21; 1Loop:22; 1Salchow:23; 1Toeloop:24; 1Flip:25; 1Lutz:26; Sequence:27;
You can download dataset at Modelscope now.